Outside Sales Glossary of Sayings That’s Definitely Accurate

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August 22, 2024

outside sales sayings

Outside sales is full of phrases. Knowing these terms probably won’t help you sell more, but at least you’ll know what people are saying. Here’s a guide to the lingo.

Outside Sales, AKA Field Sales: How we make money. Pretty simple… Make customers happy. Get new people to buy things. Read: in person. None of that phone BS.

Inside Sales: Speaking of which… basically order takers that read off a script. Usually software company nerds.

Hitting a Number: What you do to not get fired.

Quota: Something a suit makes up.

Outside/Field Sales Rep: The real ones.

Territory Manager/Executive: Think they fancy.

Account Executive: Bougie AF.

CRM: Something nerds use. Prob tracks us.

Call Report: Thing we forget to do. Should be called a Visit Report or something.

Sales Route App: Better than Google Maps. Makes us $$$.

Territory: Stay out of mine or problems going to find you.

Sales Manager: The boss. Never satisfied, can be chill though.

Sales Director: Basically a suit. Prob not chill.

VP of Sales: Def not chill.

Sales Analyst: Makes sh*t up to keep their job.

Milk Route: Something Boomers say instead of IDK, route.

Star Sales Rep: Someone that doesn’t know how to plan their day. Drives from one side of town to another and back. Route looks like a star shape.

Closer: Gets that drip.

Customer/Client: We make them happy. They give us money. Win-win. Not like that though.

Prospect: New people we want to make happy and get money from.

Door Knocker: lol

Canvasser: See Door Knocker.

Commissions: Money.

Decision Maker: The maker of decisions…? Kind of self-explanatory.

Lead: Possible customer. Usually not though.

Conversion Rate: A percent that’s important.

Product: Thing we sell.

Order: Mo’ money.

Stop: Place we get out of the car to make money at.

Admin: Boring stuff they make us do. Makes no money.

Upsell: “Here’s something shiny.”

Cross-Sell: “Here’s something you prob don’t need.”

Relationship: The one thing that actually matters.

Disclaimer: Trust these definitions at your own risk.